Monday, 15 October 2007

Wednesday, 18 July 2007

the Dream

Sleep well?
Well, I had a dream I couldn't shake off my mind today. I wouldn't say it was a nightmare, because I wasn't shocked, more stunned.
It started with smoke coming from a place that only existed in my imagination. It looked like an American city at dusk, but it felt like Enschede, my city of study. I was biking with a small group of men towards the fire. Then we saw clouds rise, like an explosion just took place. Out of nowhere a red-hot scorching train was slowing down on a hightened track, but still with great speed came pelting towards us. I saw there were still people inside the train. One wagon detached itself and came flying towards me. Time slowed down considerably, making the experience really intense. I was waiting for the right moment to jump away if necessary, but I was nailed to the ground. Maybe it was the slowing of time that made me as heavy as a weight. I hoped the train would go past me. But it stopped moving.
I was in my bed. The images freshly burnt in my memory, I was looking for my pen to write it all down. I always keep my pen in my photo-bag, but the bag was nowhere to be seen! I was desperate to get it down on paper. About 6 times I imagined that I had found a pen and started writing the story. But it wasn't real! I thought to myself: get this recorded, somehow! I never had such a clear memory of the details in a dream for so long after having dreamt it. It was as though my mind was fighting against a force that didn't want the dream written down. Then I thought about my mobile. It was right next to my pillow! All this time I could've been typing in there. So I started typing. Nearly not as fast as with a regular keyboard, but it worked. When I reached the third message though, there were no more letters left! And I wasn't finished yet!
Eventually I got out of bed, got my bag and wrote the rest on a piece of paper.
Why I'm putting it online? I don't know. But it's here now.

ps. My mother told me having dreams with fire, brings wealth, in some Chinese superstition? Not a bad thing I would say...:)

Wednesday, 11 July 2007


I totally have nothing to do these days. That's because there's no jobs for me to do at the moment. Next one is this friday, so I have two days to find ways to spend time. I've been reading Volkskrant magazines, rewatched a DVD from Magnolia (great movie, but the first time was the best), editing pictures in photoshop; which spawned this great pic I made with a new cool invert your negative with digital camera technique, playing video games (Nintendo DS, Gamecube, GBA)...I want to buy Resident Evil 4 for the Wii, but I'm really low on cash, so I better wait.
Another thing that many people do I guess when they have nothing to do is: to snack. And you get lazier to buy new stuff, so you just make snacks from scraps.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to get busy again, and I know that the first step is to get away from the computer!! So, bye for now.

Saturday, 30 June 2007

No more party

I just finished my 2nd job for today and it was great! Making pictures of the party of a just married couple. While being there I felt immediately at home, even when I didn't know these people before. After taking 441 pictures my memory cards were really full and as it was soon time for my last bus home to come, the moment arrived for me to get back home.
On the way home to Enschede was the secret pathway to a special place in the forest. A place where parties are held. And just recently I had not been able to locate this place, while I was very very close. After renewd research I knew that this time, the party would be held halfway on the route of my bus. Because I took the last bus back, I knew I would have to rely on other people to get back. As I had put all my efforts in my two jobs (the first one was serving drinks in the hospital jubilee gym hall) I couldn't afford to wait on someone to get back when I would turn tired. I cannot rely on other people to survive. I need security and independence. So I felt good when I decided to say no to the party. Besides, I just came from a party and it was excellent! There's no way that any party after this one would over power the fun. Not even this last exam people super party. There would be nothing for me to find at this hour. TBC

Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Lucky shot

I was just looking through the lens of my camera, through the window of the driving train, waiting for something to happen. In a slightly bent position, I leaned against the window. All I did was wait. For something to show up.
In a fraction of a second (1/4000) I clicked before I could realise how small the odd was I would catch this beautiful white limo, first in line of the railroad-queue.
From all the moments I picked this, and I think it couldn't be more right.

Friday, 8 June 2007

In Magny

Me and Caro, in a short visit to her house in Magny.

Thursday, 31 May 2007

I got paid!

Today I went to a company called Media Republic in Amsterdam. I was sent there by the Hardy Foundation (school) to give a visual impression of the creative people in there. Just now I made a selection of 28 pics, which will be downsized again, to around 8 pics. It's one of the few occasions on which school pays you out money for the trouble and all your expenses. I'm really happy with the result, just don't know what the assigners think. I'll know tmora!

Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Freezing my nuts off

Today I did some things I wanted to do in quite some time. One of them was: finding a way to climb the roof of my apartment. I've been trying to see the view from a higher perspective (which is already nice when you're on the 2nd story (which is also the top floor & the one I'm living at). The only easy way to reach the top would be through the maintenance hatch, but it's locked and to be used by the concierge only. Next to the hatch is a tall ladder, but it's also locked! There was no other way for me to get to the roof than by standing on the fence of the balcony and pulling myself up from the ledge. This was the most exciting thing I've done in quite some time (but nearly not as exciting as how to get down again!). The view was as expected: utterly brilliant! But what a cold breeze! I was wearing my green army jacket and poloneck diesel for cryin' out loud, but I was shivering all over. It might have been stress though, for being on top of a building illegally without knowing if I would get down without a broken bone. I could enjoy the sunset a little longer this way. Too bad I was the only one to enjoy it.

Ps. The second thing I wanted to do in quite some time was: starting this blog. I hope that in time, if I'm really putting my efforts in it, I will have found a way to share my experiences more profoundly as before. Cheers,
