Just as new. The hallway in school I used as my workspace has been cleared.
Being an emergency passage and all I got the inevitable speeches from Ferdinand, who had to defend my stay against the fire-brigade and the coffee-machine lady. "People have to walk through! Especially the coffee-lady! And no blocking objects like chairs, take them away!"
One day I even got a letter from him. Basically the same speach, but written in big capitals with a black marker, just to emphasize his stress. I guess it mattered to him that I wasn't there enough. But other people had put the chairs there. How was I supposed to know?
Working on so many photos didn't make it very easy to stay. I got crazy occasionally. Just like Sander, who tried to make a selection from my archive, for one afternoon. The heat was probably the worst. The sun shone in during afternoons. It had to be over 40 degrees C. sometimes. You would sweat by just standing there, looking at the pictures.
Now the sun left a mark on the sheets of paper where I laid my pictures on. Or actually the pictures left a mark; where all the rest has aged, these spots show where time stood still.