Saturday, 4 December 2010

Out of the blue

Terwijl mijn moeder nu nog slaapt, bak ik voor haar een taart
Bij haar ontwaken zal de geur al snel een neusvleugel raken

Maar ow wat is het koud
Snel de verwarming aan. Wat is de tijd toch snel gegaan!
Een jaartje ouder, het seizoen veel kouder.

Mijn moeder kennende gaan we nog vele jaren
door met deze liefdevolle gebaren

(nee, niet met gedichten schrijven!)

Saturday, 16 October 2010

Friday, 25 June 2010

In full bloom

My first tomato (ripened)

The power of the sun is undeniable. Everything I planted started blooming like crazy.

Did you know that plants have about twice as much genetic information as human beings? (Found that on Wikipedia).

Friday, 7 May 2010

A little green

My first tomato
The first tomato on my huge home-grown plant
(Did you know this May has been the coldest in almost 20 years?)

Thursday, 1 April 2010

A day behind the scenes

Can you believe I had a day with odd similarities to Willy Wonka's Chocolate factory?

There were 5 contestants.
We had all won 'a golden ticket'.
We were winning finalists on an internet quiz.
And it gave us access to the place of our dreams:
The television headquarters, where we could meet the idols of our favorite show.
'Wie is de mol' is an extremely popular TV show in Holland.
And the big prize was to have a real peak in the kitchen of the factory:
travelling with the cast and crew of the next season.

Where all the contestants in Willy Wonka's story seem to be seperating themselves,
we stuck together till the bitter end.
What a blast!
This was the craziest quiz I'd ever done,
with the most insane questions I've ever seen.

During this day
I got to talk to several stars.
I got my T-shirt signed.
I got to see a team of hard-working crew make our day special.
I got to meet some insane fanboys who were even crazier than I was!
And I was in a group of people that soon forgot they were having a competition
and rather felt like good friends.

To keep the series highly confusing and mysterious, the questions in the quiz were increased tenfold while keeping their hard difficulty. We were given the amount of time it would normally take me to answer just one.
Given this 'insane' set of rules, it was even more fun to play.
The elimination can be seen in this video.

Still, you wouldn't believe how insanely cool my day was just by watching it.
I guess for best experiences, you'll have to think a bit like Charly.

Tuesday, 23 February 2010


My recent wishlist on iTunes.

Just delectable how Apple has provided the "buy all at once" option.

Friday, 12 February 2010

A short compilation

I made a compilation of some videos me and my sister took before.
Hence the title 'before'.

The oldest video dates back to 2006, can you believe it?
It didn't have enough sound, so I added it to the mix of this Balinese Capoeira clip.

Thursday, 28 January 2010

Success of the day

It's nice to see some activity on the survey about happiness.
To see the results, I now refer you to the bottom of the page.

As a counterpart, I this time ask you to think about the things that make you rather feel the opposite way.

You could interpret this as asking the same question and flipping the answers,
but my senses tell me the outcome is going to be somewhat different.

The only holdback is you might not be used to answering towards the aspects that bring negativity to your life.

If it is any comfort, I really can't see who has answered.
Sometimes I wish I could :)

Enjoy and good luck!